Saturday, April 27, 2013

Welcome to Burp Houston!

Outsiders most likely associate Houston with big hair, big boots and big accents.  However, as most Houstonians know, the city has much to offer beyond hair spray, cow flops and Southern drawls.  Houston's changing landscape has become a mecca for transplants from all over the world, flocking to the city for jobs and affordable housing.  Along with the boom in population, has come a boom in restaurants, food trucks and bars.  Eating establishments are popping all over the city, and it's becoming difficult to sample all of the wares.

This blog ain't about chain restaurants and Budweisers, we'll leave that to the 'burbs.  This blog is dedicated to the ever-evolving food and drink scene in Houston.  Big Burp, a Houston transplant from Michigan and Burpette, a native Houstonian are inner-loopers who love to eat, drink and take in the arts around town.   

The "snob factor" is low, the "cheese factor" can be high.  Good wine doesn't have to cost more than $10 a bottle, and a satisfying meal doesn't have to break the bank.  It's about what is enjoyable and makes your mouth happy.

Join us as we eat and drink our way around Houston!

Cheers!  Ya'll come back now, you here!

1 comment:

  1. Love the blog!!
    I will be stopping by some of the coffee shops soon!
    *The story of the moustache men is my favorite :)
